Step one– Okay so you’ve clearly made it onto the website, hence I don’t have to mention that…
Now you should see when you get to the homepage, two dividing halves. The left saying ‘honeyeater. salon’ and the right saying ‘honeyeater.apparel’.
Step two– Click on the right hand side of the screen that says ‘honeyeater.apparel’.
Step three– When that loads (hope your internet is in fine form) look up to the top right hand corner of your screen…. There should be a few categories that say ‘ welcome. brands. shop now. contact. blog.’
Step four– If you didn’t catch that- there’s the key… Click on the ‘shop now‘ button. This will open up another tab in your browser that links you to all of our online products. Including both fashion, hair and beauty.
Step five– Once the page has loaded, on the left hand side of the screen lists all of our shopping options… ‘Womens. Mens. Accessories and Hair and Beauty’.
Click on Hair and Beauty and MAGIC! All of your favourite products will appear.
Step six– No all you have to do is add them to your cart….Carry on shopping regardless and HAVE FUN!